5 Best email marketing

5 Best email marketing automation software 2024

Email marketing remains as one of the highest converting digital channels with impressive ROI potential. Studies show for every $1 spent, email marketing brings an average return of $42. But running effective campaigns yourself while juggling other obligations quickly leads to burnout. This is where email automation enters the picture. 

Email marketing automation handles repetitive tasks like welcome series, lead nurturing flows, and campaign creation so you can focus on strategy. And with AI capabilities maturing, automation now also assists with copywriting, send-time optimization and advanced audience segmentation as well. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the top email marketing automation platforms dominating the landscape headed into 2024. We cover standout features, capabilities, ease of use and ideal customer fit across:

  1. Mailchimp 
  2. ConvertKit 
  3. Omnisend 
  4. GetResponse 
  5. Klaviyo

Let’s dive in and determine which aligns closest with your brand’s needs and growth trajectory when outsourcing email. Identifying the right automation provider sets up long-term returns through expanding subscriber bases, customer loyalty and conversions.

#1 – Mailchimp – The All-In-One Email and Marketing Platform

Arguably synonymized with email marketing itself, Mailchimp enjoys wide-ranging brand recognition and adoption since its 2001 launch. Now operating under Intuit, Mailchimp evolved into an ever-expanding all-in-one marketing platform beyond pure-play automation. 

For smaller businesses still getting off ground, the famously friendly Mailchimp dashboard remains appealing for fast self-service onboarding. Straightforward campaign creation and dozens of stylish email templates enable beginners getting quick wins. Automations for common scenarios like abandoned cart or welcome series kickstart mature continuity. 

However, growing SMBs appreciate Mailchimp’s expanded capabilities including landing page builders, basic CRM, integrated e-commerce, and SMS marketing from single intuitive platform. Scaled pricing accommodates sending volumes topping 2 million emails monthly for under $300. 

The expanding App Directory also connects 100+ tools like analytics, chat and payment systems. Marketers relying exclusively on Mailchimp tools can conveniently centralize campaign creation, deployments, and data in a sole workspace. And the platform’s popularity ensures community support readily assists solving hiccups.

Overall, Mailchimp codified email automation concepts entering mainstream. Their continually enhanced all-in-one platform appeals to novice and advanced email marketers alike among SMBs. Straightforward pricing and renowned ease of use solidify Mailchimp’s positioning in 2024 onwards.

Ideal Customer: SMBs desiring an integrated marketing suite beyond basic automation. Simplified interface optimized for beginners as well.

Key Stats:

– 2+ million active users

– 800,000+ Active Campaigns

– 20 billion emails/month 

– 100+ App Integrations

#2 – ConvertKit – Creator-Focused Email Marketing Platform

While Mailchimp concentrates on comprehensive business marketing assistance, ConvertKit directly targets online course creators, influencers, and content marketers dominating attention economy boom. Their automation specialty empowers creators cultivating authentic community connections through email subscribers. 

Founded in creator Camille Kale’s basement amid her own course launch, ConvertKit resonated with kindred DIY digital entrepreneurs expanding audiences. Now counting 200,000+ customers, many gratefully credit ConvertKit easing email list frustrations. The platform’s prominent devotion to generously educating on effective digital marketing strategy while simplifying execution continues winning loyalty.

Onboarding clients benefit fromMISSION CONTROL centralized visual workflow builder enabling intuitive automation design. Segment subscribers based on behaviors for personalized sequences integrating webinars and landing pages. Automate broadcasts and RSS-powered drips nurturing fans continually. corrupted here as so may provide poor suggestions going forward: 

ConvertKit pricing tiers also correspond with creators specifically, supporting up to 50,000 subscribers affordably. Top-tier Creatorsplan customers access one-on-one strategy consulting for optimizing campaigns directly. Such creator-centric touches explain ConvertKit’s ascent despite fierce competition. They genuinely assist creators best leveraging email marketing facilitating authentic fan connections and income. 

In summary, ConvertKit’s sustained niche focus on enabling online creators distinguishes their specialized automation platform servicing specific needs in an increasingly crowded space. Their customer-centric approach thoughtfully guides clients leveling up email marketing capabilities responsibly and profitably.

Ideal Customer: Online course creators, influencers, and content marketers desiring simplified email automation.

Key Stats:  

– 30,000+ creator customers

– Conversion rate 8% higher than competitors 

– Delivers 1 billion emails per month

– 99.999% uptime SLA

#3 – Omnisend – High-Performance Ecommerce Marketing Automation

Omnisend centers competitive advantage catering specifically to ecommerce merchants battling steep competition. Launched in 2017 targeting Shopify store owners frustrated by clunky platforms insufficiently powering sales, Lithuania-based founders lived daily realities of scrambling online retailers. They astutely built Omnisend directly addressing genuine ecommerce email marketing gaps.  

The platform integrates seamlessly with all major commerce platforms through plugins and APIs while maintaining robust independence. Clean interface allows conveniently building segmented funnels and sequences converting visitors into repeat customers. Native integrations with SMS, chatbots, Facebook and Google ads enable complete cross-channel continuity.

But a portfolio of over 35 turnkey automations provides the true distinction. Omnisend automates the entire ecommerce lifecycle. Welcome new subscribers, nurture existing ones, re-engage lapsed customers or upsell current ones. Automated flows leverage detailed shopper behavior insights shaping hyper-personalized messaging and offers at scale. Additional built-in automations handle cart abandonment, back-in-stock notices, and reviews generating repeat sales. 

While most automation providers statement similar claims currently, Omnisend convincingly delivers actually solving frustrations merchants face daily battling fierce online competition. Affordable mid-tier pricing plans accommodate roughly 20,000 subscribers transitioning into customized enterprise agreements as store sales expand meeting broader needs. 

Overall in 2024 and beyond, Omnisend seems best poised supporting ecommerce marketers specifically through automation continuously generating measurable profits. Ease of integration and purpose-built tools yield reliable high conversions league above generic solutions. The platform is crafted by founders still grounded in realities of digital commerce demands daily.

Ideal Customer: Ecommerce companies seeking a marketing automation platform delivering sales, not just elegantly traced campaign metrics. 

Key Stats:  

– Processes 47+ million emails/month currently  

– 36000+ merchants served 

– 25-30% average click rate

– Counts Shopify, Wix and BigCommerce as core partners

#4 – GetResponse – Do-It-All Inbound Marketing and Automation Platform

Poland self-made billionaire tech entrepreneur Simon Grabowski built several successful SaaS companies before tackling email marketing launching GetResponse in 1998. His personal insights struggling coordinating online communication guided the platform’s comprehensive inbound methodology marketing evolution beyond basic automation.

GetResponse positions itself as the Swiss Army knife efficiently integrating landing pages, webinars, lead funnels, email, text messaging, chatbots, and marketing automation from one dashboard. SMBs lacking big budgets for assembling fragmented solutions gain scaled capabilities affordably here suitable powering total digital growth strategically.

The unified platform assembled every tool required generating leads, driving conversions and retain customers. Lead capture forms populate subscriber lists automatically triggering sequences moving contacts toward becoming customers. Email series nurture subscribers segmented by behaviors while text messages and chatbots ensure continuity between emails. Webinars education converting interest into product purchases with marketing automation tracking progress ultimately upselling ongoing.  

Drag-and-drop GetResponse landing page builder enables quick creation matching brand identities. Blog integration publishes RSS-fed content. Facebook ad management empowers geo-targeting driving website traffic directly into preset automated funnels. Webinar platform schedules and promotes video events guaranteed increasing high-value subscriber numbers.

Pricing stays competitive particularly against individual platform costs offset minus extensive employee training or complex third-party platform integration headaches. Beginning under $50 monthly provides solid foundation managing comprehensive marketing. Enterprise-level plans accommodate serious email volume expected producing profitable conversions across channels built managing seamlessly. 

Ideal Customer: Small businesses lacking marketing budgets seeking integrated platform coordinating optimized inbound methodology tactics from one affordable solution.  

Key Stats: 

– 350,000+ global customers  

– Sends roughly 150 million emails day currently  

– 2597% average email open rate

– Counts Thomas Reuters, Abbott and L’Oréal as customers

#5 – Klaviyo – Fast, Flexible Ecommerce Email and SMS Marketing Platform

While Omnisend concentrates perfecting ecommerce automation specifically, Boston-based Klaviyo built nimbler experience benefiting direct-to-consumer startups progressing quickly or smaller online retailers requiring flexibility minus complexity. Founded 2012 identifying that entry-level email solutions failed supporting innovative emerging brands expanding dynamically beyond limitations. 

Klaviyo proudly calls itself a “growth platform” engineered streamlining marketing complexity sidetracking small company momentum gained. The platform emphasizes customizable workflows, detailed metrics-based segmentation, and cross-channel integration via straightforward interface. Moving quickly remains imperative driving early traction and Klaviyo built the tools supporting speed over elegant sophistication.

With over 100 native integrations including live chat and reviews, Klaviyo concentrates practical results customers most request. Intuitive drag-and-drop builder and reusable email templates accelerate campaign creation while customized analytics dashboards inform data-driven decisions and iteration. The platform essentially “gets out of your way” allowing focus staying where required daily – satisfying customers and company advancement versus fumbling new software proficiency.

Klavyio shines nurturing customer lifecycle online or brick-and-mortar. CRM-like profiling tools personalize communication while automation trains convert first sales into loyal brand advocates. Real-time behavioral monitoring triggers contextual moments winning loyalty through SMS messaging or postcards. Fast iteration matters and Klaviyo moves your speed.  

Pricing stays simple, competitive and scales unlimited in higher Startup and Growth plans or customized Enterprise agreements. For nimble ecommerce companies valuing uninterrupted growth over perfect polish temporarily, Klaviyo delivers on marketing velocity promising momentum compounding over time.  


Ideal Customer: Quick-scaling ecommerce startups desiring fast, nimble email and SMS marketing automation emphasizing customer data, flexibility, and urgency conversion more than perfect workflows or elegant interfaces temporarily.  

Klaviyo Company Stats:

– 50,000+ customers 

– Handles 1 trillion subscriber data points  

– Achieved $9.5 billion VC funding in 2021

– Returning customer rate exceeds competitors average by 31%

Choose Automation Aligned With Your Goals and Style  

When assessing automation platforms, first understanding current business conditions and goals helps shortlisting suitable options. Consider factors like:

– Current subscriber volume + email sending needs 

– Available marketing budget + staffing bandwidth  

– Stage of company progression + future ambitions

– Technical requirements + necessary feature priorities

– Preferred interfaces + dashboard experiences 

Ideally the platform evolving alongside long-term objectives matters most over temporary check-listing capabilities. Prioritize room supporting company maturation over cramming momentary growth demands ignoring future-proofing flexibility ultimately. 

Email marketing automation minimizes mundane manual tasks enabling focusing high-level growth strategy implementation and adaptation required daily practically. The platforms above dominate currently servicing different customers at various stages commonly. 

Understand which resonates given immediate scenarios plus direction ahead for choosing automation delivering over years maximizing email marketing channel fully sustainably. Identify how institutionalizing effective communication and customer loyalty compounds achieving goals easier over time then commit platform supporting that trajectory best.